Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Wreaths

Spending time in Houston with my family= lots of crafts!  Here is another one that I have finished while here.  My mom found this cute tutorial here for halloween rag wreaths.  So we decided to make some.  We did change them up just a little bit, but I love the way they both turned out!  


My Mom's

Friday, October 7, 2011


Last night for craft night, at my mom's house, we made these cute little turkeys!  We did it a little different than the instructions,  and I loved the way they turned out.  We broke all of the Popsicle sticks in half and then just made it so our feathers stuck out further.


My Mom's
 You can find a tutorial on how to make these here!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fabric Covered Burp Cloths

A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me she wanted to make some of those fabric covered burp cloths, but would love to have them embroidered with her last name.  Well, I was headed home for the weekend, and my mom has an embroidery machine, so I had her collect her fabric and give it to me before I left, and I had my mom embroider them for her  And while she was embroidering those, I decided to make some for a friend who is due with a baby girl in October, and had my mom embroider those for me too.  They turned out great!  There are a lot of different tutorials out there for these, but the one I used (and liked the best after checking out a few different ones) is this one.  I LOVE how these turned out and can't wait til I have another one of my own to make some for myself :)

*Also when making these I tried to keep there fairly gender neutral since this is her first kid, that way they can be used if she ever has a little boy.

**When buying the fabric diapers to use, I couldn't find the Gerber ones pictured in the tutorial.  All of the Gerber ones I found were either really thin or really thick,  so we ended up using the Carter brand ones you can buy at Wal-mart.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Spin Around Dress

I saw THIS dress tutorial, and just knew I had to make it for my little girl!  I finally got around to sewing it, after cutting it out months ago!  I changed it up a little bit, I added a hem on the bottom that matches the sash and I cut it down by about 5 inches.  It says the pattern is a 2T, but it ended up being WAY too long for my little girl... who is 2 and usually wears a 2-3T.  Anyways, I LOVE the way it turned out and she loves to spin in it!  Oh and what is a cute dress with out a matching bow?  So I added a little bow to the sash and made a matching one for the hair.  I love it and the little girl!

Before I added the bow to the sash.

After I added the bow to the sash

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Latest Projects

I have a few different projects I have finished lately.  First I made a tie for a little boy, this is for our church craft night, along with a little girls hair bow.  I am not in charge of our church craft night an that makes me so excited!  We have lots of little kids in our ward, so I thought this would be an awesome project.  When trying to decide which style of hair bow to make I knew I wanted it to be fabric so that people with both little boys and girls could make matching ones.  So I came across this tutorial and thought it would be perfect!  I love the way both the tie and the bow turned out.  It makes me want a little boy so I can have them wear matching tie/bows!  Also here is the tutorial for the little boys tie.

** I recently made some more baby ties for a baby shower for my SIL's friend.  Here is a picture of them... however, I'm not sure if the picture is just funny or if she untied them and then tried to retie them, but the two green ones look a little funny...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Strip Quilt

I have wanted to attempt making a quilt for sometime.  While I went home last month, I had my mom help me figure out how to do it.  I got the idea/ tutorial from here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Menu Board

My brother got married a few weeks ago, and for their wedding gift I made them a menu board calendar.  I have also made one for myself, but I have yet to actually finish it.  I got the tutorial from here.  I like the way it turned out, but will be making a few changes to mine.

I'm not sure why I can't get my second picture to rotate... Sorry.  I had to put magnetic strips on each block because I couldn't get the magnets to stick through the different layers.  I also should have made each menu item in a square that was the same size instead of trying and letting each thing be as big as the word... Overall though, I like the way it turned out.  Mine is done in red, because that's pretty much what I have in my kitchen.  I'll post pictures of mine once I get it finished.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Snap Wrap Dress

My friend and I got together to sew some dresses for our little girls.  I found this tutorial and we decieded to give it a try.   I love the way M's turned out. I didn't get any good pictures because someone was being grouchy... but you can kinda get the idea.

And whats a new dress without a cute matching bow??
oh and the headband... I painted it white... she didn't have a white one :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Picture Frame Key Holder

I have been wanting to make something to hang our keys on for awhile now.  I hate placing them down somewhere and not being able to remember where I put them or have them get buried under a pile of mail.  So I decided to do something about it.  I got this picture frame from Micheal's for $1 and then headed over to Home Depot to buy some hooks.  I spent less than $3 on this project.  And I love how it turned out.  It is still missing something, and in time I will put some sort of embellishment on it, but I am not sure what yet... any ideas?

 First I painted the frame black, because that is what all of our other picture frames in our house are.
 Next I added some hooks on the bottom, (I ended up using a nail to make the holes and then screwed the hooks in)

Then I traced the little square that was inside the frame and cut out a cute picture of my little girl
 Then I used the hole that was already on the  back of the frame and hung it on the wall with a nail.  I did end up using some velco dots on the back bottom corners to keep it from moving side to side when the weight of the keys is uneven. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby Booties

My friend and I were talking one day about cute baby shoes and decided to get online and see if we could find a tutorial on how to make them.  We came across this one and decided to go ahead and try it.  They turned out pretty cute, but I definitely need to work on my sewing skills.  They are a little hard to put together, but they were fun.  I have since made a couple of other pairs trying to adjust the pattern a little bit.  I still however, like the first pair I made the best.  I did find that the pattern runs a little small, but they turned out really cute.  There are other tutorials out there for cute shoe ideas and I hope to try more of them in the future!  We worked together on both of these, but the zebra print ones are mine, and the brown and teal ones are my friends. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Place-mat Handbags

A few years ago I made a place-mat handbag/scripture tote for my little sister.  My older sister thought it was pretty cool and wanted one too.  So I went to the store found a cute place-mat and bought some cute wooden handles to add to it, and then left it with the rest of my craft stuff.  So fast forward about 3 years, I was working on a few craft projects and realized that I needed another little bag to put some of my stuff in.  I had the stuff I needed to make a place-mat bag for myself, as well as the stuff I bought for my sisters.  Well, her birthday is on Sunday so I decided that I would whip hers up for her, so that I can give it to her for her birthday.  I LOVE the way her bag turned out.  Mine is just for my craft stuff, so I didn't care as much if I could see the thread from stitching on the ribbon handles.  I do love how these turn out, and they are so quick and easy. I finished both of them in less than a half hour.  I found a tutorial on line here you can look at.  Just keep in mind you can adjust it however you want, and use whatever kind of handles you would like.  There are a lot of different ways out there to make these fun and festive. 
My sisters


These are also great for little girls!  My 22 month old has been using these as her purse since I made them.  I had to hid them from her so that I could use them. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bow Holder

I found this tutorial online and I just had to make one for my little girl.  I also have made 2 other bow holders that I just kinda made up.  Here is a picture of the one I made for my daughter and the one I made for a friends baby shower.

The one I made for my friend

 The one I made for my daughter
 The other bow holders I came up with

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bows Bows and More Bows

I love making hair bows for my little girl, however, her hair is getting to that stage where it is too long to wear a bow on a headband, and too short just to clip a bow in her hair, (did I mention she is almost 2 and still doesn't have enough hair to really do anything with!). So as of late she is just wearing the cheap-o headbands.  They look cute, but it makes me sad she can't really wear any of the bows I made.  Recently I found out that one of my girl-friends is having a little girl after having 2 boys, so that gave me a great opportunity to pull out all my hair bow making stuff and get to work, so her little girl can have some cute hair bows.  Now I don't try to push the style of hair bows I like on anyone so I just made her one of each of the different kind I like to make and added them to a bow holder I made.  Most of these bows I discovered how to make on my own, but you can find tutorials out there for most of them.  If you really would like to know how to make one of them, email me and I can see if I can help you figure it out.